Amazing Learning at Tenby Schools Ipoh

What is Amazing Learning? Have you had an “Oh no!” moment that turned into an “Oh wow!” moment?

At Tenby Schools Ipoh and as a community, we believe that each learning journey is unique and it is about Getting Better.

We encourage our students to think the problem through, ask questions, and find the best solutions. They are resilient and persistent. They don’t give up and they “wow” themselves because they have done better than they thought they could!

Experience learning that is truly Amazing!
Turn those "Oh no" moments into "Oh wow" moments today!

At Tenby Schools Ipoh, we believe that a “good struggle” is necessary to experience breakthroughs. A good struggle is challenging yet empowering. It is when students persevere and have a sense of success towards achieving goals and outcomes. At the end of the day, we want our students to say ‘I didn’t realise I could do that but I found a way!’ We nurture our students not just academically but holistically too by developing the life skills they need to thrive regardless of what the future may be!

Meet Crystal
"The Interact Board's support have shaped me into an Events Director of the club. As a team, we have organised multiple events to help the Tenby Community and Ipoh society." - Crystal, Student
Meet Ms. Caroline
"I am ever ready for remote teaching, anytime. Definitely a wow moment for me!" - Ms. Caroline, Teacher
Meet May Goh
"It is important to learn in an encouraging way, that can create enthusiasm in learning that makes you a better person." - May Goh
Meet Darren
"Amazing Learning is attractive and fun, it is also when students learn independently with the guidance of teachers." - Darren, Student
Meet Ms. Zulaikha
"I am pretty sure that most of us have encountered moments when we thought, oh I can actually do that. That is simply Amazing Learning for me." - Ms. Zulaikha, Teacher
Meet Ms. Hui Ru
"The support and guidance given by the Tenby community has shaped me from a little secretary to presently the CCA and Events Manager." - Ms. Hui Ru, Staff
Meet Healesya
"Amazing Learning is learning beyond the boundaries, an unexpected progression that we all assume will never happen. There are no barriers, only possibilities." - Healesya, Student
Meet Ms. Nithiya
"I realise that I did better than I thought I would based on the students feedback that they are now more confident and excited about moving into Year 7." - Ms. Nithiya, Teacher

Amazing Learning Highlights

Olympics and Paralympics - a topic in Tenby Schools Ipoh's IPC

Olympics and Paralympics "We learned Olympics & Paralympics for IPC, I did wheel chair bowling for this IPC Entry Point activity. I felt it was not as easy as normal bowling. I imagine it must be very uncomfortable and difficult to live if I could not walk & run with my legs because I love playing sports, jumping & running." - Tomohiro.

Build Our Own City by Tenby International Students

It was nice to see our dedicated Titans working collaboratively to build their own city & vehicles by using different types of recycled materials. "We enjoyed learning & exploring how people in the past worked & how buildings in our local area might have looked like 100 years ago. It was outstanding to see how our local buildings changed over the years with modern technology."

Online presentation on Journalism from Ms. Manjit

Our Year 7 students had a fruitful & insightful sharing session during their "Newspaper" genre. As a journalist for a major newspaper, Miss Manjit (one of our parents) was kind enough to join us for the lesson! Her Q&A session tied up the genre wonderfully with our students understanding the profession in greater detail. Thank you, Miss Manjit! See you again soon!

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