Student Leadership

It is important for a child’s holistic development to experience leadership opportunities during their formative years in school.

Leadership qualities are priceless in this day and age. Those that display the traits required to excel at the highest level are often tipped to have successful careers. Therefore, it’s imperative that our students master skills that are essential to become good leaders – building relationships, effective communication and teamwork.    

We provide our students with avenues to develop and showcase their leadership qualities, and positively impact the wider school community in the following areas:

  • Head Boy and Head Girl
  • Head of Student Council (and Student Council members)
  • Prefects
  • Eco Warriors
  • House Captains
Under the guidance of these student leaders, we are proud to have organised and participated in some extremely exciting and meaningful events including:

Charity Initiative in Cambodia

17 of our students visited Phnom Penh, Cambodia in July 2018 to take part in community service and charitable activities to help the less fortunate. The trip was an eye-opener for those involved, and we’re proud of our Key Stage 3 student leaders for setting an example for the whole group by being proactive in their contributions and adopting a generous and positive mindset that all could follow.

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