A Typical Day at Tenby Schools

Tenby International School

Our student-centered approach to learning enables them to be active, independent learners. We expect excellence of them and strive to instil it in them as a way of life. Our purpose is for students to experience Amazing Learning moments – where thy surprise even themselves at how much they have learned and grown.

Early Years
A child’s early learning experiences at school are crucial as they set the foundation for how they approach learning during the rest of their life. We want children to be creative, happy, confident and independent lifelong learners. As such, we ensure that our lessons are structured such that students know they are in for a day of joyful exploration and discovery.
This is the time to gain proficiency in the skills and attitudes crucial for continued success later in schooling and life. In the classroom, our teachers take an inquiry-based approach, encouraging each student to engage, question and take ownership of their own learning process. This enables independent and enthusiastic learning while fostering resilience – crucial skills to thrive in the world today.
We appreciate that every student is unique. As such, we strive to create a stimulating learning environment where students discover meaningful relevance between what they learn in class and the larger world they live in. It is also at this stage that teachers assume more of a mentorship-based role, assisting students to make decisions maturely while acting as a supportive sounding board as the navigate the challenges and rewards of young adulthood.
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