A Typical Day at Tenby Schools

Tenby International School

Our carefully-balanced lesson plans are aimed at helping students gain the necessary skills to thrive in the 21st century. We set the bar high and inspire them to reach and even exceed it. The focus is on creating opportunities for those “lightbulb” Amazing Learning moments to occur.

Early Years
The day begins with the children getting a friendly smile and greeting from teachers and friends. As they settle down, it’s time to start exploring! Through active learning, creative and critical thinking (and playing of course!) the child remains engaged and sees the fun in being inquisitive.
A typical day in Primary is busy and packed with possibilities. Children are taught by several specialist teachers in a day who follow a child-centred, thematic approach. Teachers help students draw meaningful connections between what they are studying and their experiences in real life, while rigorous assessment ensures each child’s learning progress is monitored and enhanced.
Secondary / Sixth Form
Teachers actively engage students to draw out critical thinking during lessons. Students have the space to ask questions while also being challenged to take responsibility for gaining knowledge for themselves. Whichever school year the student is in, their day is almost as much about participation in the school community than learning at the classroom desk.
Sekolah Sri Tenby

Learners in Sekolah Sri Tenby are exposed to a three-language environment, with English and Bahasa Melayu as the main languages of instruction and Chinese an important third language. This is in line with our international approach to learning, which prepares students to be globally-minded citizens.

A typical day involves lessons that are deliberately planned to provoke both critical and creative thinking in a student-focused learning environment. Teachers are constantly seeking to present new challenges that push students to build new skills, while pursuing an inquiry-based approach to instruction that develops independence and resilience in students.
Students are challenged daily to think and inquire. Lessons are designed to encourage students to ask questions beyond the obvious and also to take responsibility for discovering the answers. Character-building efforts are infused into daily lessons to foster personal effectiveness, positive relationships and global-mindedness.
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