Safeguarding is in everything we do at Tenby. All our staff community, from our security guards and cleaners, to the Heads of School and Campus Principal know the role they play in keeping our students safe at school. All staff undergo regular training on the most important aspects of safeguarding our student community and the academic staff engage further with professional development in targeted topics to raise their overall awareness and understanding.
We are continually improving and upgrading our practice. This year, our team of Designated Safeguarding Leads is the strongest it has ever been, with a senior leader in position in each school. This whole safeguarding team works closely together to ensure best practice across the entire campus.
Meet our Safeguarding Team
Children’s best interests should always come first and I believe we have a strong safeguarding team here at Tenby which can support our whole Tenby community in ensuring this happens.
Currently in my 6th year at Tenby International Secondary, I am the Assistant Head of Wellbeing. With a dedicated team across Campus and in the Secondary division, we aim to keep all our students safe, happy, and supported.
With over 10 years of experience in education, I am committed to prioritizing the safety and well-being of our students. I have a strong understanding of child safeguarding policies and procedures and am dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive learning environment. I am committed to fostering open communication with students, parents, and colleagues to ensure that any concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.
Protecting students from all harm is a great calling, yet it renders happiness when we know we can do our best to be there for them when they need us.
For learning and growth to take place, children need to be safe and feel safe. In our school, we strive to develop happy learners and naturally, safeguarding becomes an essential part of everything we do. We believe that a child’s wellbeing is key to achieving his/ her highest potential and we do everything we can to ensure that can happen.
School Policy on Safeguarding
ISP adheres to these basic principles to protect our children, identify concerns early and provide help/support:
- A child’s welfare is paramount. Each and every student has the right to be protected from harm and exploitation and to have their welfare safeguarded.
- All students need to be safe and feel safe in school.
- Every student is entitled to a rich and broad curriculum that helps to equip them to keep themselves safe.
- Every adult in school must have a demonstrable commitment to protecting the students with/for whom we work.
- We work in partnership with parents/carers and/or other professionals to ensure the protection of students.
- All students have the same equal rights to protection, but we recognise that we need to do more for some because of their special educational needs, disability, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
- If you have a concern about a student at Tenby SEP, please report it to the DSL in their school. We take all concerns seriously and always act in the best interests of the young person. This may include enabling early intervention support to be put in place within school or making a referral to specialist external agencies. It take a community to safeguard. Together we can keep all our young people safe.
Read our safeguarding policies and statements at the links below :
Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park Statement on Corporal Punishment
ISP Safeguarding Policy Application Notes
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
How to Make a Safeguarding Referral
Attendance Policy
Anti-bullying Policy
Physical Intervention Policy
Early Years Intimate Care Guidelines
Supervision of Children EY Policy
Manual Handling EYFS