Clubs, sports & opportunities

At Tenby Schools in Shah Alam, it's possible to create learning experiences that build confidence first and foremost is the most powerful thing we can do for our students. The more confidence they have, the more they engage their curiosity to explore the world around them and take risks to learn and grow. Our students transform from 'keeping busy' to 'busy learning,' discovering new interests and gaining the confidence to say, “Yes, I can!”

International opportunities

Our students enjoy unparalleled global learning experiences through the International School Partnership programmes, including ILOS - International Learning Opportunities for Students. They connect with peers worldwide, engage in international exchanges, and participate in unique initiatives like ISP Model United Nations and ISP Filmmakers. Find out which ones are running this term! 

5 to 18 years

iSP Artists

5 to 18 years

iSP Chess Masters

14 to 18 years

iSP Cultural Exchange

8 to 18 years

iSP Scientists

12 to 18 years

iSP Filmmakers

11 to 18 years

iSP Virtual Exchange

13 to 18 years

iSP Model United Nations

Beyond the classroom: sports, activities and leadership

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Eco club

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Girl guides 

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Police cadet 

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Red crescent 

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