Student Leadership

It is important for a child’s holistic development to experience leadership opportunities during their formative years in school.

For children to be effective in the world of adulthood they must learn the art of building relationships, communicating effectively, and working in teams in order to achieve a goal. Leadership is about stepping it up a notch to learn the art of influencing and directing people – a skill that lasts a lifetime!

At Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park, students are encouraged to develop and demonstrate their leadership capabilities, and student leaders are given the opportunity to make an impact on the wider school community. Our students are encouraged to take on leadership positions such as:

  • Head Boy and Head Girl
  • Sixth Form Leaders
  • Head of Student Council (and Student Council members)
  • Prefects
  • Eco Warriors
  • House Captains
Under the guidance of these student leaders, we are proud to have organised and participated in some extremely exciting and meaningful events including:

Charity Carnival

Wholly organised by the Sixth Form leadership team, the 2019 event saw nearly 4000 people attending, raising RM25,000 for worthy charities!

Tenby Leadership Trek (TLT)

An annual one day event in November where Secondary Prefects organise activities to boost students’ leadership skills.

Merdeka Day Celebration

Students lead this celebration of Malaysia’s independence by planning and rehearsing performances and presentations to be showcased on celebration day.

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