After School Clubs & Trips

At Tenby Schools Penang, we consider after school activities to be an integral part of all our students’ learning and fully expect that our students involve themselves in these as part of their educational experience. This is because it develops the whole person, giving students the opportunity to experience activities which may become a life-long interest while enhancing a sense of accomplishment built by overcoming challenges in a fun, participation-based setting.

Our after school activities are run across both our International and Malaysian National schools, meaning that students can interact and develop friendships outside their own circle while improving their social and interpersonal skills in the process.

Music Clubs

Our music clubs are a big part of life on campus, and we offer a variety of co-curricular activities in this area, including:

  • Individual Piano Lessons
  • Individual Guitar /Bass Guitar Lessons
  • Individual Drum Lessons
  • Individual Violin Lessons
  • Voice Lessons

Sports Clubs

There are numerous sports teams for students to get involved in. Talented athletes will get the chance to represent Penang and even Malaysia at national and international school competitions.

  • Co-Curricular Sports Activities: a wide range of co-curricular activities including popular sports such as swimming, tennis, athletics and football.


  • Competitive Training: our Tenby Tigers represent the school and train hard with sessions held before school, during lunchtime, after school and on weekends.

School Trips

Students are given a truly international experience with our school trips. Travel and learning expeditions with a local community service aspect to each programme has brought them to countries around the world during the Horizons Week. In recent years, some of our amazing destinations have included:

  • Indonesia to learn to surf
  • Vietnam to be immersed in their culture and history
  • Singapore for a city experience


This is just a sample of the trips students enjoy, and does not include the many educational day trips that are organised to enhance learning and provide context to textbook material.

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