Amazing Learning at Tenby Schools Penang

What is Amazing Learning? Have you had an “Oh no!” moment that turned into an “Oh wow!” moment?

At Tenby Schools Penang and as a community, we believe that each learning journey is unique and it is about getting better.

We encourage our students to think the problem through, ask questions, and find the best solutions. They are resilient and persistent. They don’t give up and they “wow” themselves because they have done better than they thought they could!

Experience learning that is truly Amazing!
Turn those "Oh no" moments into "Oh wow" moments today!

At Tenby Schools Penang, we believe that a “good struggle” is necessary to experience breakthroughs. A good struggle is challenging yet empowering. It is when students persevere and have a sense of success towards achieving goals and outcomes. At the end of the day, we want our students to say ‘I didn’t realise I could do that but I found a way!’ We nurture our students not just academically but holistically too by developing the life skills they need to thrive regardless of what the future may be!

Meet Joseph
"Amazing Learning to me is getting better and beyond my own expectation. It is not just about passing exam but inspire us to be a life long learner." - Joseph, Student
Meet Ms. Teoh
"It's the spark in a person's learning experience when they surprise themselves and others by achieving the unexpected." - Ms. Teoh, Head of National Primary
Meet Ms. Gowri
"Amazing Learning is a personal learning journey to me." - Ms Gowri, Parent
Meet Sofea
"Amazing Learning is about enjoying learning because when you enjoy learning, you are able to go further than you ever thought you could" - Sofea, Student
Meet Ms. Hadiya
"Amazing learning is enabling students to take responsibility for their learning experience by understanding not just what they are learning but-why." - Ms. Hadiya
Meet Ms. Aimee
"Amazing Learning is when you discover something new, you have mastered something you have learnt or you produce something beyond your expectation." - Ms Aimee, Parent
Meet Kiswer
"Amazing Learning to me is the journey when someone achieved beyond their expectation for themselves in certain task " - Kiswer, Student

Open Day Penang
An eventful start to a new Entry Point - "Animal Rescuer"

Early Years enjoyed an exciting, eventful start to their new topic "Animal Rescuer"! In this topic, they learnt all about different animals, their habitats and how to rescue animals. For their Entry Point, Early Years had a chance to travel into the jungle, experience a safari, go on a polar adventure, travel through a desert and undertake an ocean journey. Children got the opportunity to look at the features of each habitat as well as the wildlife that can be found there! They had so much fun visiting different habitats and can’t wait to learn more about animals and how to rescue them.

Learning is a brain change that STICKS!

We understand that learning is a brain change that sticks through repeated experiences. The Standard 1 students consolidated their typing skills through repeated practice. They were resilient and ever ready to engage in a good struggle through different levels of typing challenges.

We are "Going Places"

The Early Years children finished their topic entitled ‘Going Places’ with an amazing Exit Point! They started off with making their own passports and talking about their nationality and their home country's flag. Then they dressed up to get ready for their most awaited holiday! They packed their luggage and called a taxi to the airport. This was followed by check-in, passing through the x-ray point and boarding the plane. On the aeroplane, they were served with light snacks and some drinks. What a fantastic way to consolidate their learning!

Next - Go to Learning & Success
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