Author: tenbypenang

What a Ride at the STEAM Fest

A massive shoutout to everyone who joined us at the STEAM Fest 2024 and witnessed the grand launch of the STEAM Engine!

Tenby in Roblox Now Made Possible

Thanks to amazing partnerships, we’re now taking STEAM—Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math education to the next level with a twist of Roblox fun, where you can solve challenges, interact with non-player characters (NPC), and explore interactive exhibits!

Education Unboxed at Tenby Schools Penang

Tenby Schools Penang’s unique STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics approach goes beyond traditional education, allowing students to explore the world around them through experimentation, observation, and critical thinking.

Getting Better Digitally with 407 Learning

Our buzzing campus was infused with digital innovation as Amazing Learners and educators continued to push the boundaries of educational technology with 407 Learning!

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