What makes a STEAM Specialist School?

Tenby Schools is proud to unveil the progress of its flagship STEAM facility at its campus in Tanjung Bungah, Penang, which has redefined international and private national education…

but “what exactly is STEAM learning?”

While STEAM directly means Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, to us it is an integrated learning approach with the goal to nurture confident critical thinkers who take risks and engage with the ability to solve problems in the real world.

The 5Cs of Learning

The 5Cs of Learning – Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Character, Community, Creativity are the core of the STEAM learning approach. By making the 5Cs part of their everyday lessons, young learners are able to reflect and evaluate themselves not just purely based on grades and results.

This way, they learn to be independent and take charge of their learning, growing to be the world’s most curious, confident minds.



When we say collaboration, do they hear teamwork or just a chance to show off their individual skills? Did they help turn ‘me’ into ‘we’ today? Did they help someone to get better?

Critical Thinking

When the world throws questions, are they throwing back solid answers? Perhaps they analysed the available facts and evidence, made an insightful observation, created a rational and unbiased argument to solve a real-world problem.

International School Penang


When it comes to character, did they shine with compassion and bravery? It could be a show of kindness to a fellow student or stepping out of their comfort zone, like speaking in front of the class for the first time.


Like a spark, did they brighten the community with their energy and inspire connections? Maybe they took charge of a project or task, or showed off some next-level learning moves in class. Who knows, maybe they even helped a classmate bounce back into the ‘good struggle’ groove!

International School Penang


Creativity is all about thinking outside the box and seeing things from fresh angles. They can come up with ideas that would make anyone say ‘wow’, or be the most creative chef, musician, artist or poet!

State-of-the-art Facilities for More Amazing Learning

Book a tour now or sign up for our upcoming events and experience transformative learning for your child in this space designed to foster learners who are curious, confident, and capable of understanding and shaping the world around them!

Learning empowered by

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