Amazing Learning at Tenby International School Setia EcoHill

What is Amazing Learning? Have you had an “Oh no!” moment that turned into an “Oh wow!” moment?

At Tenby International School Setia EcoHill and as a community, we believe that each learning journey is unique and it is about getting better.

We encourage our students to think the problem through, ask questions, and find the best solutions. They are resilient and persistent. They don’t give up and they “wow” themselves because they have done better than they thought they could!

Experience learning that is truly Amazing!
Turn those "Oh no" moments into "Oh wow" moments today!

At Tenby International School Setia EcoHill, we believe that a “good struggle” is necessary to experience breakthroughs. A good struggle is challenging yet empowering. It is when students persevere and have a sense of success towards achieving goals and outcomes. At the end of the day, we want our students to say ‘I didn’t realise I could do that but I found a way!’ We nurture our students not just academically but holistically too by developing the life skills they need to thrive regardless of what the future may be!

Meet Allison
"To me amazing learning is when we achieved something that we never knew we could.” - Allison, Student
Meet Ms. Anita
"Amazing Learning happens when children are given the ownership and responsibility to take charge of their own learning." - Ms. Anita, Teacher
Meet Ms. Madeleine
"Amazing Learning is achievement beyond personal expectation." - Ms. Madeleine, Head of Primary
Meet Blake
"Amazing Learning is about getting better, playing with my friends and having fun" - Blake, Early Years Student
Meet Ms. Theresa
"Amazing learning is surprising yourself, added value and going beyond." - Ms. Theresa, Teacher
Meet Mr. Martin
"Amazing Learning is when you have done something that you didn't think you will be able to do. It is literally a light bulb moment you've achieved something you just thought, WOW I have done it." - Mr. Martin, Campus Principal
Meet Tsu Roe
"Amazing Learning is a 'wow' moment, when we surprise ourselves by going through a Good Struggle." - Tsu Roe, Student
Meet Mr. Ng
"We want to have a real impact on our children not only during their time in school, but throughout their lives" - Mr Ng, Deputy Head of Secondary (Academics) & EdTech Lead


Our Year 1 students had a wonderful time using marshmallows to make their own version of an igloo. They displayed exemplary effort and creativity. Well done!

Learning about Pound sterling and Malaysian ringgit $$

Our Year 4 students learned about the pound sterling and the Malaysian ringgit. They had a great time converting pence to pounds and sen to ringgit. On top of that, they partnered off with a peer to initiate their role play learning as a seller and buyer to further cement their understanding of these currencies. It was a fantastic week of Amazing Learning!

Business Studies students learned about effective marketing

Our Year 10 students of Business Studies class learned about effective marketing and to understand customers’ needs and wants. Students were given the task to market eggs as a product that added value and appealed to their customers' needs. Students used their creativity to design the products. Well done to our Year 10 students!

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