ISP Group Policies

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all our employees and volunteers and any contractors / consultants and partner agency staff in our schools to share this commitment. In line with this, we expect them to recognise where a student is at risk of, or is actually being harmed, and to do all they can to reduce further risk or harm. Our schools are particularly important in protecting our students; our school colleagues are in the best position to identify concerns early and to provide or recommend support for students as well as helping to prevent these concerns from escalating.

Our school policies and guidelines are as below and may be downloaded for further details.

Download ISP Group Policies

Group Educational Trips and Visits Policy

Group Safer Recruitment Policy

ISP Group ABC Policy

ISP Group Accident Reporting and Near Miss Policy

ISP Group AML CTF Policy

ISP Group Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

ISP Group Electricity Policy

ISP Group Fire Safety Policy

ISP Group Health and Safety Policy

ISP Group Lockdown Policy

ISP Group Risk Assessment and Operations

ISP Group Weapons on Campus Policy

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