Student Leadership
It is important for a child’s holistic development to experience leadership opportunities during their formative years in school.
Making the transition from childhood to adulthood is a challenging process. Students must learn the art of building relationships, communicating effectively and embracing teamwork to help them excel in school and, subsequently, their careers. This is where honing leadership skills is crucial.
At Tenby Schools Penang, students are encouraged to step up a notch and take on the leadership mantle. We provide them with the opportunity to become student leaders and cultivate the art of influencing and leading others. We believe the impact that they will have on the wider school community will stand them in good stead in their future endeavours.
Our students are encouraged to take on leadership positions such as:
- Head Boy and Head Girl
- Head of Student Council (and Student Council members)
- Eco Warriors
- House Captains
Pink Day
In support of Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital and the Penang Hospice Society, the TPSLC helps to organise the school’s Pink Day by having the bake sale. Students and staff are encouraged to dress in pink and donations will be made. All proceeds will go to help those within the community who are battling cancer and this raises the awareness of cancer in the school’s community.
Beach Cleanup
The TPSLC regularly organises beach cleanups to keep the environment clean. This raises the awareness of protecting the environment among the school’s community.
Halloween Fundraiser
Over 800 people attend this annual event which is organised and run by the Student Leadership Council. Students, teachers and parents join in the fun and ticket sales are donated to UNICEF Malaysia to support underprivileged children.
The Charity Colour Run
Led by the Sports Council, with support from Events and Charity Councils, The Charity Colour Run takes place on the school campus and is a very popular event on the annual school calendar.
The Spring Fair
Students on the Student Leadership Council are responsible for running a stall during our annual Spring Fair which is organised by our Parent Association. This is a fun day of games and events and is a wonderful opportunity to bring the school community together.